Gay Lesbian Bisexual and Transgender Health Acess Project


We have a variety of resources available for viewing and download. 

Standards of Practice

Working with providers and advocates from across the community, the GLBT Health Access Project developed the Community Standards of Practice for Provision of Quality Health Care Services for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Clients. The Community Standards provide a set of core principles and quality indicators that cover administrative practices and service delivery components including personnel policies, clients' rights, intake and assessment procedures, confidentiality, and community outreach and involvement.  Using these Standards, agencies can assess their existing practices to identify and address potential barriers to care for GLBT clients.


We understand the importance of research, evaluation, and assessment as tools to help better inform policy, programming, and resource allocation.  Since our inception we have been committed to collaborating with others to conduct research, and we anticipate that this need will only increase over time.  You can access much of that work here.


Our training experience has shown us that resources are often one of the things agencies thirst for the most.  Often people want to show their support, and request materials to use in waiting rooms, offices, and other workplace settings.  We have created high quality materials to fill this need, and provide them free of charge to Massachusetts agencies and individuals who request them.  We also gladly ship them out of state, adding nominal charges to cover shipping and handling.  The posters and stickers we have created are available here for viewing and ordering.


We recognize that it takes collaboration and teamwork to truly have an impact.  There are a number of programs out there that are working to ensure that all people, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, are treated with respect.  Here are a few that we have selected.

Another Resource of Interest

The GLBT Health Access Project has worked with the American Cancer Society's LGBT Advisory Board to create materials focusing on cancer prevention and care.  We have made them available on our website for download.  Go here for more information.